Have you recently been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption? Or have you been told to follow a low FODMAP diet and feel confused and overwhelmed about what foods you can & can’t eat?
I remember the overwhelm all too well. I felt like I needed to get another degree in order to understand how to read food labels. It was frustrating that onion wasn’t always listed and that many ingredients were listed as numbers that I had to look up repeatedly. I remember visiting a food court at the exhibition building in Melbourne and being too scared to eat anything there. It was stressful!
As a naturopath I work with hundreds of patients suffering from fructose malabsorption. Over the past few years I’ve received many pictures of food labels asking if the item was suitable or not. I thought, how can I make this easier for people? That’s when the Ultimate Guide to Hidden FODMAPS was born. It lists over 23 different foods that might be upsetting your digestion that you may be completely missing. If you’ve been following the low FODMAP diet for a while and still continuing to experience symptoms then this list is going to be your saviour! I’ve got great feedback already and I really hope you find it helpful too.
It’s fair to say that I’ve been through quite the journey when it comes to my digestive health (and beyond really!).
I suffered chronic fatigue in my late teens and it wasn’t until I was 25 that a received a diagnosis for fructose malabsorption. This really turned things around for me. I found that by following the low FODMAP diet I could regain my energy, say goodbye to an extended belly that made me look pregnant some days, and stop catching every single cold that was going on. For me that diagnosis did so much more than just eliminate my digestive symptoms. I realised first-hand just how much the food we ate impacted our health and wellbeing, and I’m really grateful to have learnt that lesson so young.
Fast forward a few years later and I was diagnosed with SIBO, which I was successfully able to overcome after about 6-12 months of hard work. Fast-forward a few years further I found myself once again struggling with a parasite known as blastocystis hominis. This took me longer to overcome but I came out the other side and poured my energy into establishing the healthiest microbiome I could.
Let’s just say that my digestive health is my body’s weak spot. I think we all have one. I also think that the things we go through ourselves are the things we develop the most knowledge about. The thing that I noticed the most through my journey is that everytime my digestion was compromised my chronic fatigue would rear it’s ugly head again, I’d lose my ability to focus and I’d develop debilitating anxiety. At one point my period stopped for over 10 months.
Digestive health is far more than just stomach pain. Fixing our digestive issues and nurturing our microbiome is the key to living our very best life.
If you would like to work with me then please book yourself a discovery call and we can chat further