Interestingly, the research showed that the impact of green space on mood was particularly pronounced in women. This may help explain your partner recent obsession with houseplants… All jokes aside, science supports the benefits of surrounding yourself with nature, and we’ve had evidence of this for many years. A 1984 study showed that patients in hospital rooms with open windows overlooking ‘green spaces’, required less pain relief and recovered much faster. So even if you can’t physically get outside, making small changes to your surrounding environment can result in big shifts in your health and vitality.
Increasing the time spent in nature has been shown to significantly reduce cortisol levels, improve cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure. So prioritise at least half an hour every day to get outside (unless under strict quarantine that is). Even if you ARE stuck inside, open the blinds to let the sunshine in, or better yet get some fresh air within the confines of your garden or balcony.
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